Vet care
Found a pet
Lost my pet
Rehoming help
Pet-friendly shelters / boarding
Wildlife rescues & rehabbers
Other resources
Provides free pet food for people in need; also provides discounted veterinary services and pet food delivery for the physically disabled.
Has a limited amount of pet food available for pet owners experiencing financial hardship. Call (954) 266-6874 or email using the link below.
Provides pet food and other supplies when available to pet parents in need. Pets MUST be spayed/neutered.
Pet owners dealing with financial hardships can receive pet food. Also can assist with veterinary care for those in need.
Provides pet food and other supplies to seniors 60+. Must apply for and be accepted to MOW program. Also can provide some vet care. Apply by phone at (954) 714-6946.
Qualified residents meeting income requirements can receive free pet food.